This morning was the most difficult for me to wake up and get going, especially when my watch still said 1am… so the morning didn’t go as well as I wanted, and therefore we got off to a late start. After a quick breakfast, we hopped on the Underground again, this time on the Circle line to Westminster, en route to Buckingham Palace and Parliament Square. Brian took some incredible photos as we walked from St James’s Park, through Queen Anne’s Gate, to the Wellington Barracks (and the Guards Museum), on towards Buckingham Palace via “Birdcage Walk”. I could not believe I was actually standing there in front of a such a historical and spectacular place! After some silly photos and touristy moments, we proceeded towards Parliament and Westminster Abbey… although it was hard for me not to giggle while hearing Clark Griswold saying, “Parliament, Big Ben…” in repetition in my head. HA.
Next stop, the theatre district for our recommended show, Priscilla Queen of the Desert… um, so the look on Brian’s face when he realized we were seeing a drag queen musical… priceless. I promise I didn’t know, nor did I expect in any way that we were going to see over 2 hours of singing and dancing dudes dressed in full drag… seriously, we could not stop laughing because I don’t think Brian could have been more uncomfortable. All I can say is, at least it wasn’t boring… and we have never seen anything like it before… (except maybe in the Castro for Folsom Street Fair?!?!) Ooops.
Exiting the show, I knew we needed a new adventure… hey, Brian, let’s rent some bicycles and ride home instead of taking the train! Great idea, Janella… but do you know where we’re going? Or how to ride on the busy streets of metro London with buses, trolleys, taxis, and cars? …oh, and it’s dark out now and we don’t have helmets. Brilliant! Super fun and something I will never forget.
Once safely back to our hotel, we cleaned up and strutted out for our last night in London. Just for fun, we sauntered through Harrod’s for some serious fantasy shopping, then arrived promptly for our 9pm dinner reservation at Mr. Chow. Delicious dinner and wonderful wine left us full, buzzed, and satisfied with our short time in London.
Enjoy the photos and silly video (at the bottom of this post, hit play), and then scroll down for more shots from Brian. We depart in the morning for Paris so more to come…